SUDS scheme visit - Northampton, UK
On Wednesday 6th of April we made our way to Upton, a housing development in Northampton for its significant SUDSs, a scheme that not only is lush and refreshing to see but significally reduced the risk of flooding, cools down open, residential zones and most importantly allows safety and home to wildife animals. The SUDS scheme remarkably creates an attractive place to live, the aesthetic value that they hold becomes a way for locals to socialise and spend time outdoors together, improving also the quality of life and creating stronger communities. Given the location of the place, there isn't much at all outside the residential area, a place completely sorrounded by major roads a little retail park approx 5 mins walk away. This given circumstances give even more right for locals to have access to green spaces in close proximity to their homes, something that definitely needs to improve in a lot of places in the UK. Hopefully, with the growth of the Landscape discipline, SUDS will ...